Mon. 19th Feb. 2018

Don’t miss this Wednesday’s Nutrition Seminar by Jason Durrant!

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Don't miss this Wednesday's Nutrition Seminar by Coach Jason Durrant on how to get results by dieting. Addressing your internal and external environments using the "pyramid of application" to reach any goal. Topics: - Fundamentals of nutrition - Factors that effect energy expenditure and...
Wed. 4th Oct. 2017

Don’t miss this Fridays Guest Coach, currently ranked #8 in the UFC light heavyweight division Misha Cirkunov!

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This Friday's BJJ class will be taught by BJJ & Judo black belt Misha Cirkunov! Currently ranked #8 in the UFC light heavyweight division, Misha is a highly accomplished grappler. Come and learn from Misha this Friday at...
Sun. 19th Jun. 2016

Video & Photos from the Samart Payakaroon & Somluck Kamsing Muay Thai Seminar

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It was a really successful Muay Thai seminar by 2 living legends Samart Payakaroon -Poptheeratham and Somluck Kamsing. Samart Payakaroon is regarded by many as the best Muay Thai fighter of all time. Payakaroon became world champion in both Muay Thai and western boxing, a 4x Lumpinee Champion...
Wed. 4th May. 2016

Samart Payakaroon & Somrak Kamsing Muay Thai Seminar on 14th May, DON’T MISS IT!

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Don't miss this chance to learn Muay Thai from two Legends of the sport considered by many to be two of the Greatest Muay Thai boxers of all time. Tiger Muay Thai will host a Muay Thai Seminar with two absolute Legends of the sport, Samart Payakaroon and Somrak Kamsing, considered by many to be...