
What is the Pineal Gland and how does it impact our health?

The pineal gland has been a known source of health for centuries. Its shape resembles that of a tiny pine cone, thus the source of its name, and it is located in the epithalamus near the center of the brain. So tiny, in fact, it is no larger than the size of a pea. Many believe it to be the point of connection between intellect and the body. For centuries dating back as far as the early Sumerian, Roman and Greek cultures all made reference to the importance of the pineal gland. But what is its impact on our health? What can slow it down?


Nearly all vertebrates have a pineal gland, with the exceptions of some species like the alligator.  There are many unique things about the pineal gland. For instance it is one part of the brain not working as one half of the whole as it is entirely independent in function. It is also not cut off by the blood brain barrier. In fact it is the second largest blood flow source next to the kidneys.

Some of the pineal glands functions include:

  • Regulation of endocrine functions
  • Conversion of nervous system signals to endocrine signals
  • secretion of the hormone melatonin
  • influences sexual development
  • causes feeling of sleepiness

When your blood passes through the pineal gland it becomes encoded and interacts with your endocrine system. This is essential to our health as this influences every cell, organ and function of our bodies. From our mood, growth, development, tissue function, metabolism, reproductive process and sexual function. Now that we know the importance of the pineal gland, what can we do to keep it healthy?


We all know that as the brain ages its function start to deteriorate. Our memories start to become like fog and so many of us end up with neurological dysfunctions such as Alzheimer’s Disease. But did you know that recent studies have drawn a connection from Alzheimer’s Disease to the calcification of the pineal gland? Or that it is estimated that 40% of Americans begin to show signs of calcification by their 17th year?

Neurologist refer to this calcification as Corpora Arenacea, or brain sand. By the time we reach old age this calcification can show up on x-rays. We discussed all the influences and regulation the pineal gland has on our bodies and now we can pin point a reason some of those function begin to slow down with age. How this occurs is Calcium Phosphorus and fluoride deposits collect in the pineal gland and correlate with aging as well as health decline. Many have found this is the number one cause of obesity, cancer and heart disease, including some of the brightest researchers at the National Cancer Institute.



  1. Halides (Fluoride, Chlorine, Bromide)
  2. Calcium Supplements
  3. Tap Water
  4. Mercury
  5. Pesticides
  6. Other Toxins
  7. Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol, and Tobacco


  1. Organic Blue Ice Skate Fish Oil
  2. MSM
  3. Raw Chocolate
  4. Citric Acid
  5. Garlic
  6. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
  7. Oregano Oil and Neem Extract
  8. Activator X (Vitamin K1/K2)
  9. Boron
  10. Melatonin
  11. Iodine
  12. Tamarind
  13. Distilled Water
  14. Nigella Sativa (the black seed)
  15. Zeolite
  16. Chaga Mushroom
  17. Yoga

I mention limit or avoid as in some environment and situations we can’t 100% avoid exposure. For instance we might stop drinking tap water to reduce our exposure to the chemicals added to it, but we still take showers don’t we? And our skin is drinking that in. So be aware and do your best. Your body will thank you for it.

I hope you found this article on Improving Your Health by Detoxing your Pineal Gland helpful.

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